TagSEA 0.6.2

Tags for Software Engineering Activities in Eclipse

TagSEA Documentation

Using the TagSEA Views

Find out about the TagsView and WaypointsView.

Using Waypoints

TagSEA supports creating a variety of different waypoints, including:

  • Java/C/C++ Waypoints
  • Resource Waypoints - waypoints that are stored locally, not in the code
  • Task Waypoints - creates waypoints from your Eclipse tasks (e.g. TODO)
  • Breakpoint Waypoints - creates waypoints from your Eclipse bookmarks

Extending TagSEA

TagSEA is designed to be an extensible platform for using tags within Eclipse. Please read the terminology page, and then start extending TagSEA.


TagSEA also includes the IBM Tours facility which integrates with TagSEA to turn your Eclipse workbench into a presentation platform. Files, sourcecode, and waypoints can be organized and intermixed with special effects and animations so that you can present your work in a slideshow directly from your workspace. Tours requires Eclipse 3.3.

For more info, see the Tours page.

CloudSee (Beta)

CloudSee provides a way to visualize tags using a tag cloud. To access CloudSee, select Window > Show View > Other. Under TagSEA, choose CloudSee. This feature is still being developed, and is currently available as a beta release.

Tags for Software Engineering Activities in Eclipse (TagSEA)
is a research collaboration between the University of Victoria's Computer Human Interaction & Software Engineering Lab and the IBM Watson Research Centre.